DUI / DWI / Drunk Driving

DUI/DWI Drunk Driving

Driving-related offenses, including DUI, DWI, driving without insurance or with a suspended license, and hit-and-run are serious criminal offenses in the State of Maryland. You need an experienced Maryland DUI defense and traffic attorney. You need the skilled defense attorneys of Silverman Thompson.

Several things can happen to you after you are arrested for a traffic-related offense; you may face jail time and/or other forms of punishment, lose your license, be fined, be put on probation, and see large increases in you car insurance premiums. Maryland drivers should be knowledgeable of their legal rights and seek out a skilled Maryland DUI/ DWI defense attorney.

At Silverman Thompson, our Maryland DUI attorneys have combined decades of experience handling these types of cases in Baltimore, Maryland and surrounding counties, both as prosecutors and defense lawyers. We will attack the government’s drunk driving case from the moment you were stopped by the police all the way through your arrest and blood alcohol content testing to make sure the police acted legally and treated you fairly.

  • Were you illegally stopped?
  • Did the police conduct the field sobriety tests correctly?
  • Were you properly advised of your rights?
  • Was your arrest legal?
  • Was the equipment used by the police to test your blood alcohol content properly maintained and calibrated?
  • Were you denied your right to speak to an attorney?

Our Baltimore, Maryland DUI attorneys have the experience to defend you and expertise to exploit mistakes that are very often made by the police to your advantage. We know how important your freedom and your privilege to drive are to you, and we will aggressively fight to ensure that you keep them.


We invite you to contact us or call our office at 410.385.2225 or 800.385.2243 for a complimentary consultation to see how we can make a difference for you.

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